
Criteria for Acquiring Software Packages

Choosing software for a certain department or company is not just a matter of checking the prices. The real cost of a product includes the price of the software and the cost of implementing it as well. As I browse the net, I found this presentation by an international, award-winning author John Hedtke that shows how to identify the features you need, the features you want, and the features you don’t care about.

The presentation also discussed ways to determine other important selection criteria, such as the hardware and operating system requirements, the product’s interoperability with other departments, new and intermediate user training requirements, and the need for continuing product support. You’ll see how to create a list of selection criteria that accurately reflects your needs and priorities, evaluate the products that may fulfill your criteria, and make a selection. The presentation concluded with tips on evaluating the product’s appropriateness after you’ve been using it for a month or two.

Criteria for acquiring Software Packages:
  1. Hardware and Operating System Requirements
  2. Product's Interoperability with other Departments
  3. New and Intermediate User Training Requirements
  4. Need for Continuing Product Support
  5. Price of the Software and the Cost of Implementing the Software
Hardware and Operating System. Acquiring software package needs examining performance. When you examine performance, a number of factors influence how much capacity a given hardware configuration will need in order to support a given application. The hardware capacity required to support your application depends on the specifics of the application and configuration. You should consider how each factor applies to your configuration and application. Choosing an Operating System considers the following factors; Stability and Robustness, Memory Management, Memory Leaks, Sharing Memory, Cost and Support, Discontinued Products and Operating System Releases. Selecting right hardware leads to great software performance, choosing hardware considers; I/O Performance, Memory, CPU and Bottlenecks (Solving Hardware Requirement Conflicts).

Product's Interoperability. Product's Interoperability with other Departments criteria defines the term Inter-operate, the ability of diverse systems and organizations to work together. Interoperability is used to describe the capability of different programs to exchange data via a common set of exchange formats, to read and write the same file formats, and to use the same protocols. (The ability to execute the same binary code on different processor platforms is 'not' contemplated by the definition of interoperability.) The lack of interoperability can be a consequence of a lack of attention to standardization during the design of a program. Indeed, interoperability is not taken for granted in the non-standards-based portion of the computing world.

User Training. According to Jonathan Wu, a columnist in Information Management Online said that, Each software company that develops Business Intelligence (BI) applications offers training courses on their products. The goal of this standard BI training is to demonstrate the features and functionality of the application to the customers through lecture and lab exercises. Most companies that purchase a BI application will have users attend the standard training that is provided by the BI company because it is readily available and requires very little preparation or planning.

Product Support. Need for Continuing Product Support Offers a wide range of product and service solutions. This criteria will provide the end to end support you need to control costs and maximize value for your product returns. From returns management through fulfillment, channel remarketing or recycling, this criteria will support your specific product returns needs often at a substantial savings over other options.

Cost. Software licensing cost is among several major cost factors that must be considered when acquiring software packages. The real cost of a product includes the price of the software and the cost implementing it as well. The real cost of a product includes the price of the software and the cost of implementing it as well. Contributing to the overall cost of implementation are costs associated with; Computer hardware, Database platform, New System Maintenance, Old System Maintenance, Data Conversion services, Project management services, Technical training and User Training.

  • http://www.hedtke.com/
  • http://perl.apache.org/
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/
  • http://www.google.com/


Am I an I.T. Professional?

Am I an Information Technology Professional? A question that stunned me for awhile reminisce all the memories during my undergrad (college) years. As I collect all the words in order to answer the question, I asked myself what is information technology all about. I read some articles about information technology and this leads me to conclude that information technology as whole talks about the industry. In actuality, information technology is the use of computers and software to manage information. The information technology would be responsible for storing, protecting, and processing the information, transmitting the information as necessary, and later retrieving information as necessary.

In line with my desire to finish a Bachelor's Degree, aiming to become a professional; I already intend, instill to my mind and made it to a point that I must submit myself to Ethical Standards of a career professional leading to conduciveness to the environment to the present social structure, political and most especially, in the unstoppable rising of computer knowledge Science and Technology of our time, hence it made myself clear to the public that I am an I.T. Professional.


Case Study 3 - The Orchid Seller

In this case, I have designed a relational database for an orchid seller,
Bob. Then I have created database tables and populated them with data.


1.Word-processed design of tables
2.Tables created in Access
3.Query 1: Greenhouse Requirements
4.Query 2: Orchids That Died
5.Query 3: Orchids Not in Bloom
6.Query 4: Best Sellers
7.Query 5: Most Profitable Orchid Groups
8.Report: Profit by Supplier

1.Word-processed design of tables

2.Tables created in Access

Orchid Information Table

Sales Table

Wholesaler Information Table

3.Query 1: Greenhouse Requirements


Query Result

4.Query 2: Orchids That Died

5.Query 3: Orchids Not in Bloom

6.Query 4: Best Sellers

7.Query 5: Most Profitable Orchid Groups

8.Report: Profit by Supplier


WIKI Assignment

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Case Study 2 - The Outsourcing Bookkeeping and Payroll Company

In this case, i have designed a relational database for a company that offers bookkeeping and payroll services to other companies. Then I have created database tables and populated them with data. Next, A form was created for the employees of the firm to record their hours worked for clients. Then, I have created two queries: one to list all the accounts in a given town, and another to calculate the number of hours worked on a given day for each client. This case has two reports: one to display client accounts grouped by town, and one to report the number of hours worked on each type of task.


1. Word-processed design of tables
2. Tables created in Access
3. Form: Jobs Input
4. Query 1: Sales Calls
5. Query 2: Hours Worked Per Client
6. Report 1: Clients by Zip
7. Report 2: Workers and Times for Each Client

1. Word-processed design of tables

2. Tables created in Access

Client Table

Employee Table

Transaction Table

3. Form: Jobs Input

4. Query 1: Sales Calls

Query Prompt

Query Result

5. Query 2: Hours Worked Per Client

6. Report 1: Clients by Zip

7. Report 2: Workers and Times for Each Client


Case Study 1 - The Misty Valley Country Inn

Here's my case study 1 The Misty Valley Country Inn.
Setting up a relational database to create tables, queries, and reports. In this case, I have created a relational database for a country inn. Then, I have also created three tables and populate them with data. Next, the two queries: a Summation query and a Parameter query. Finally, the report that shows the revenue received from customers.


1. Printouts of three tables
2. Query output: Money Generated by Room
3. Query output: Rooms Booked the Week of 12/12/05
4. Report: Revenue From Customers—December 2005
5. Link to the database file

1.Printouts of three tables
Customers Table

2. Query output: Money Generated by Room

3. Query output: Rooms Booked the Week of 12/12/05

4. Report: Revenue From Customers—December 2005

5. Link to the database file


ICDL and ECDL Part 7: Module 7 Information and Communication

ICDL and ECDL Part 6: Module 6 Presentation

ICDL and ECDL Part 5: Module 5 Database

ICDL and ECDL Part 4: Module 4 Spreadsheets

ICDL and ECDL Part 3: Module 3 Word Processing

ICDL and ECDL Part 2: Module 2 Using the Computer and Managing Files


  • Preassessment Result : 81 of 86 (94%)

  • Preassessment Date : January 30 2009

ICDL and ECDL Part 1: Module 1 Basic Concepts of IT Result

Summary:This is my ICDL and ECDL Part 1: Module 1 Basic Concepts of IT RESULT.
  • Preassessment 72 of 84 (85%)
  • Postassessment 78 of 84 (92%)
Exam Date: January 29, 2009


itpro20809 WIKI

Hello itpro20809 cmates! atlast! here's our wiki. [http://itpro20809.wetpaint.com/]

Actually i am not so sure for this one, but for now please participate, feel free to edit and do some wiki thing on the page.

If you are not yet a member, join itpro20809 wiki. Help me to dissiminate this info!

clyde chester balaman